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Friday, August 19, 2011

Ways to Remove Odours from Carpets

A carpet with bad smell coming from it is really awful. Luckily, there are many ways that can be used to remove bad odours from the carpet. If one solution does not work then maybe another might do. If you apply any of these solutions properly you can deal with unpleasant stench.

One of the most popular and used commercial odour removing solution is the Febreze spray. This commercial product can easily eliminated most of the npleasant carpet odours. It is extremely effective against two of the worst odours: mold and mildew smell and urine smell.

Steam cleaning is another good option for the smelly carpet. Pour vinegar in the steam cleaner's tank and proceed with the carpet cleaning. The vinegar steam is going not only to clean the carpet fabrics, but eliminate the unpleasant odour, too. After you are done there will be strong sour smell coming from the carpet but it won't last for too long.

A new carpet pad can also do the trick. Instead of throwing a perfectly good-looking but bad-smelling carpet and buying a new one you can save yourself some money by buying new carpet pad for just a fraction of the price of a whole carpet.

Air fresheners are only a temporary solution. Yes, the air fresheners smell great, but the fact of the matter is that they don't eliminated the bad odour just replace it for short period of time. After the air freshener's scent fades away you are left with a badly smelling carpet yet again. It is preferable to use air fresheners after carpet cleaning.


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