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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Grease Stains – How to Remove Them

There are different types of stains and most of them are really hard to deal with. But according most of the housewives, the grease stains are the hardest to clean so we will try to give women some more tips and advice on how to deal with these unpleasant spills.

Every house cleaning company will help you get rid of any unpleasant spills and stains, but the problem is that you cannot afford to call them for every little spot in your house. That's why you have to check the following guide about cleaning grease stains from different surfaces. Each place has to be cleaned with different detergents. For example, if there is a stain on the wallpaper, try to remove it using corn starch and gas mixed in one. Apply it on the stain and wait till the gas evaporates, then scrub carefully what's left.

It becomes more complicated if the stain appears on the carpet and especially on a white one. You have to options: either to hide it with a piece of furniture, or to take a bottle of vodka and pour it directly on the spot (not in your mouth). Then use a sponge to scrub and next time when your domestic cleaners come, tell them how you handled the enemy.

The grease stains on the upholstery are easier to remove, but only if you act immediately and sprinkle salt on the spot. It will absorb the grease and after a simple vacuuming your couch will look great.


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