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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to Remove Red Wine Stains from a Carpet

Red wine stains on your carpet might seem like the end of the world but in fact, they can be removed quite successfully with the right tools and methods. Of course, the best thing to do is to call professionals immediately when a red wine stain occurs, but this is not always possible and you will need to handle the stain on your own. Leaving the stain to sit on the carpet until you find time to hire professional cleaners is not an option, as the red wine will dry on your carpet and may become impossible to remove even for the best carpet cleaner.

Do not allow the appearance of your carpet to be spoiled by a nasty red stain, instead of that, follow the instructions suggested by carpet cleaning Clapham to get the dreadful red wine stain out of your carpet.
  1. Use a clean cloth or paper towels to blot up the spilled wine. Try to remove as much liquid as possible before proceeding with the next step.
  2. Get a small plastic bowl and mix 1 teaspoon of carpet shampoo with 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide in it. You can use liquid dish soap instead of carpet shampoo if you don't have any available in your home.
  3. Dip a clean sponge into the mixture, squeeze out the excess liquid, and sponge at the stained area. Rinse the sponge with plain water when it gets dirty, and continue dabbing at the stained area with the solution until the red wine stain is removed.
  4. Blot the area with warm water to rinse the solution out of the carpet.
  5. Use a clean cloth or paper towels to blot the area dry.
Commercial cleaners such as OxyClean and Wine Away work great on red wine stains, but you may prefer to consult carpet cleaning Clapham first to avoid damaging your carpet.


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