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Thursday, March 14, 2013

How To Remove Crayon Stains From Your Carpet

If you have children, you have most likely encountered this – crayon stains. And you have most likely gone mad, because you thought you must hire professional cleaners to take care of the said stains. It happened to a friend of mine in Blackfriars, but professional cleaners were not a necessity, she just cleaned the smudges on her own, using a very simple method, which I'll describe below.

  1. Get some blunt cutlery (a butter knife or a spoon will do a great job) and scrape as much of the crayons as possible off the carpet. Then use a vacuum cleaner to remove any loose particles there might be.
  2. Crayons aren't completely dry, which means that you can get some more of them off the carpet by blotting the stain with a clean white towel or cloth. When no more crayon transfers from the carpet to the cloth, move on to the next step.
  3. Mix some detergent with warm water, making a solution for the next step. Make sure the detergent doesn't contain any bleach, because otherwise it will damage your carpet.
  4. Apply the solution from the previous step on the stained area and let it work for several minutes. After that, begin blotting the stains with a clean white towel or cloth. This might take some time, so don't worry if you don't see the effects right away. Just take your time, be patient and continue blotting until the stains disappear.
  5. Remove any leftover residue with a vacuum cleaner and your carpet should be as good as if it was just treated by professional cleaners.

Now you don't have to worry when your children decide to draw with crayons near the carpet. Just make them be a little more careful next time and keep in mind those simple instructions I gave you.


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