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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How to Save Money on Cleaning Supplies

In these lean times, one should be careful when buying and always look out to optimize their budgets. Cleaning is a substantial expenditure for every home so some useful tips on how to spend money on cleaning and cleaning supplies might come in handy some day.

  1. You can start using simply plain water or mild dish soap to wash the dishes from time to time. If the surface is not greasy , you can simply rinse off with water. Using specialty cleaners is not always the best answer.
  2. Switch from light bulbs to fluorescent- this tip is a little bit off our topic, but it is worth mentioning it. The transition is under way so you better start changing your incandescent bulbs with fluorescent. Fluorescent light bulbs are more expensive but last up to 10 times longer while using considerably less energy to work. This change will greatly impact your expenditures over time in a positive way.
  3. Store brands- you might be used to buying brand name cleaning supplies, but have you ever checked some of those less expensive store brands? Think you might be pleasantly surprised to find out that you can get really excellent value for money. Well, you will not get the shiny and colourful package but after all you do not want the packaging but the content?
  4. Keep your supplies to a minimum- surely there is a cleaner for every situation and surface, but how often do you use it? Besides, expiration dates come closer. Moreover, there are lots of all- purpose cleaners which can do the job just as good. Buy a pair of re-usable thick rubber gloves and maintain it properly.
  5. Proper storage- keep your storage in order in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight. Thus will be able to find want you need easily and extend the lifespan of your cleaning supplies. For an example, keep disposable latex free gloves away from sunlight as it may melt the gloves.


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