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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to Remove Paint Stains from Carpets

Imagine you have just repainted a wall and you are so happy with the result, then you look down and see a stain on the carpet. Has that happened to you? Well those stains are one of the hardest to remove, but do not worry, there is a way how to remove paint stains from carpets. Here is what you need to do:

First of all, cleaners De Beauvoir Town remind that there are two types of paints that make two types of stains. You need to find out whether your paint is water or oil based.
For latex paint start by taking a cloth and dipping it in soapy water. Scrub the stain, but remember to work from the outside towards the inside so that you do not spread the stain. Rinse the cloth and repeat the procedure until it is necessary. When the area is dry, vacuum it. Make a solution of water and 3 tablespoons of bleach. Dip a rag into the mixture and rub the stain. Blot with paper towels. Repeat until the stain is gone. Then rub the area with some rubbing alcohol. Add more alcohol, if needed.
For oil-based paint stains make a mixture of laundry detergent and water. Soak a cloth in the mixture and then place it over the stain. Leave it for two hours. Remove the cloth and let it air dry. Vacuum the area. Repeat this if needed. After that cleaners De Beauvoir Town use nail polish remover. Pour some on a cloth and then blot the stain with it. Rinse the area with water and a cloth. Blot with a dry cloth.
Always remember that before you use any cleaning solution, you should test it on a small and inconspicuous area of the carpet. This way you will prevent any discolouring and harming the carpet.


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