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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cleaning Up London After the Riots

London riots seem to be slightly coming to an end. At least this is what the locals hope for. London has not seen such violent nights during the recent years. Here is a short review of the current atmosphere in the English capital.

Some of the biggest cities in England have been recently devastated by hundreds of people run riot. The turmoil usually takes place during the night and England wakes up in flames, with rampaged streets, broken shops. It is hard to imagine how this can be cleaned up. But for sure, the memory will linger longer.

Cleaning services companies are usually involved in dealing with remnants and pollution. But as such events are quite rare, there is an increasing need for more assistance. Volunteers come together united under the cause to clean up London after the riots. Looters may have turned the page. Do they really regret it?

The leftovers talk for the extent of the violence. Even the hard stone pavements still carry the traces of the angry masses. Looking back, the streets of today are more like a battlefield, quiet but destroyed. It would not be a pleasant experience to walk in such a mess. That's why cleaning services have been called to the rescue. The sooner the evidence of this social turmoil is cleaned, the quicker England will overcome it.

Council workers are taking care of the proper cleaning up. Damages are assessed, and it recently came out that the overall cost of the recovery will be about £100 m. It is unacceptable, but the authorities should observe the underlying reason for the conflict, because peace and security are the most valuable social virtues.

If your home is located near the riots epicentre, then you may want to put it in order. But do not forget to report the damages to the council workers, you may get a refund. If your property is insured than you should make a detailed inspection of all losses and damages.  


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