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Monday, August 29, 2011

Cleaning Tomato-Based Stains from Clothing

Do you hate cleaning tomato-based stains from your clothing? Cleaning tomato-based stains is difficult and often it ends with no result, that's why, most people get upset when some of their spaghetti sauce gets on their beautiful shirt of dress. Here are several steps what to do in the first minutes when tomato-based stains occur.

  1. Before panicking, you must know that tomato-based stains have an oil component which liquid dish soap can effectively deal with. So if you're in a restaurant when you stain your clothes with spaghetti sauce, just go to the resting room and clean the stain.
  2. How to do it? Begin by applying a little dish soap on the stained area of your cloth.
  3. Next, scrub the tomato stains with fingers or just rub the sides of the fabric together. Cleaning London experts recommend that you do scrub very careful to avoid any fabric damages.
  4. Once you've removed the tomato-based stains from your lovely shirt or dress, rinse with cold water.
  5. Tomato-based stains can be very stubborn so if you can't deal with them first time, just repeat the cleaning procedure till all tomato sauce is removed.
  6. When you've got rid of the ugly red stains, you can go out of the resting room and enjoy the rest of the meal. There will be wet stain on your cloth, but don't worry it'll disappear in a few minutes.
  7. For deep cleaning tomato-based stains, launder the stained cloth as usual once you've gone home.

Cleaning tomato-based stains from clothing can be less difficult following these 7 simple stains so there is no need to throw your clothes that have been stained with tomato sauce.


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