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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Clean Your House to Be Happy

It is not scientifically proved, but a clean house really brings joy to a household. There is a big difference between the life in a tidied home and in a dirty and cluttered with junk one.

The environment which surrounds us has a huge influence on our health, behavior and mood. If we have a stressful daily routine and we don't care much of house cleaning, we will most probably become depressed and melancholic. Here is a simple example of what I'm talking about:

If you wake up early in the morning in a dirty and gloomy place, your mood will be terrible the whole day. A scene of a Hitchcock movie early in the morning is not the perfect beginning and will definitely break your spirit for the whole day. But if you wake up in a nice, clean and shiny place, which smells well your spirit will rise as the sun rises and you will be happy.

House cleaning is not important only for the physical health of the person, but for the mental as well. It prevents not only allergies, respiratory problems and diseases, but also depression and melancholy. That is why we have to clean on regular basis and try to keep our homes tidy for as long as possible.

No matter how annoying and time-consuming house cleaning is, we have to do it. It is essential for normal living. And if you are too busy and don't have the time to dust and vacuum, then you can hire a professional domestic cleaner. He/She will be your perfect replacement in housework.


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